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Our Journey and About Us

Our Journey


Our Story

First, we’d like to thank you for visiting and following along with us on our journey. Hopefully, this website combined with our social media pages will allow our customers a transparent view of our business and establish real knowledge about where their food comes from.

 In the summer of ’87, Chris and Stacy Daily loaded an old, beat-up Ford F-250 with a few dozen sweet corn, a hamper of tomatoes, and headed to the west side of Kokomo. Business was slow that first day, but they brought the truck back to the farm empty. Young and energized by that empty truck, they came back the next day. And the next. And the next. Customers came back. Word spread. The formula was simple and easy, but the work was anything but: Provide fresh, great tasting sweet corn and produce that’s sold the same day it is picked. We have never strayed from that formula in 30 some odd years.

 And that old, beat-up Ford F-250 they loaded up on the very first day? She’s still running strong and is used everyday at our West location.

 Fast forward to today, and the formula hasn’t changed, but the business has. What started out as one location has grown to three throughout the city of Kokomo.  We also raise tomatoes, soybeans, and corn. Add all that up and it’s definitely enough to keep us busy!

 Again, thank you for your interest in our farm. We love what we do and are passionate about our produce business. We really hope that shows through in every ear of corn you may buy. We value and appreciate all you guys.



The Dailys